Monday, November 09, 2009

Photo Contest!!!

I stumbled upon this a couple of weeks ago. It is hard, moist, and smooth. The correct answer gets $10,000 of TCM (Todd Created Money). I mimic banks so I create $10,000 out of thin air (that currently did not exist), put a 1 with 4 zeros after it on a ledger with your name on it, and then you just pay me back plus daily compounded interest. Trust me, this prize is not a scam. Banks do it all the time. Send this to everyone who wants to experience the pleasure of increased debt based on nothing.
Note: Winners do not have to accept prize package and can simply claim bragging rights.


garobbins said...

Too funny! First thought was a stalagmite...from the ground up to get that shape...where's ma money!

mrC said...

you stole my answer robbins! ok - i'll say a stalactite then...

Anonymous said...

It's a penis from the Bank of TCM that's about to fuck you in the ass

Sorry, just going with the banking theme